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Wolfistan, Venus Art, avant garde.jpg

Création collective

Wolfistan is an artist collective that was founded during the first corona lockdown. The binding factor is a society's critical thinking and the urge to make the viewer think. Judging is not the starting point.



Through images Wolfi invites the viewer to think about social themes.


The environment, climate, globalization, gender equality, rich versus poor and economic or political power struggles, are recurring themes.


The shaky balance between economy and capital on the one hand, and equality, poverty reduction and respect for nature and climate on the other, faces us with ever-increasing challenges, whereby the question is how long we can still maintain the current system.


Wolfistan is based on the pre-renaissance idea, in which the creator (s) of a work is anonymous and puts him or herself at the service of the higher goal.

Only the message is relevant and requires a critical reflection, in which the viewer is ultimately allowed to make his own judgement.


"Only when we go beyond our individual ego and greed can we actually face today's challenges."

                                                                               - Wolfi - 

Wolfistan, The Reunion, Venus Art, avant garde.jpg
Wolfstan Feelings of inconvenience, culture, Venus Art, avant garde.jpg
Wolfistan, The Inevitable, culture, Venus Art, avant garde.jpg
The Thinker, Le Penseur, Wolfi, Limited Edition, avant-garde.jpg
Wolfistan, Cleaning the Oceans, climate change, Venus Art, avant garde .jpg
Wolfi, Greenman defends his garden, climate change, contamination, airplane, Venus Art, av
Wolfistan, Seeking shelter from time, Venus Art, avant garde.jpg
De allerlaatste Vis, The very last fish, Wolfi, overbevissing, overfishing.jpg
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